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Seeing through God's eyes

My team had the opportunity to partner with a ministry in San Jose, Costa Rica called Transforma. It is founded by Vanessa an amazing woman of God who has the ability to bring others together. One day we were invited by Vanessa to paint a mural by the church with the families of the community. The mural was envisioned by Vanessa to gather the community together to support the pastor who had been struggling. The weather there is relatively predictable. It usually rains in the afternoon but stays at a pleasantly cool temperature in the morning. While we were painting it started to rain so we all ran under cover then all of the sudden I got roped into playing tag with every kid that was there. The kids were very persistent in getting me to chase them around the church grounds. When the rain went away we started again to finish the mural. I was able to lift a young boy up to paint an area that he couldn't reach. Playing and interacting with kids gives me so much joy that I pray that I

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